The Cast

Work in progress :)



Dad is Master's Dad and he is my legal owner as well. He is over eighty years old (like a 15 years old dog) but he is in pretty good shape, except for not walking that well. Dad is a very nice human person and I like to hang around with him, protect him from dangers and chew his slippers.

Once Dad used to be shy of dogs, because a dog had bitten him when he was a child.  I always jump on his bed when he is trying to sleep and nibble at him very gently.  When he starts complaining I give him kissies and put my toys on his pillow, and now Dad isn't afraid of dogs anymore.


Rubber Chicken

Rubber Chicken is like my personal Duncan Idaho. He is subject to be chewed, dismembered and tossed around, but he always comes back to play with me and sleep in my kennel.

I also put it on Master and Dad's beds whenever I take away their chewable goods (pillows, shoes, belts and such).




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